The Suitcase Entrepreneur by Natalie Sisson

There is no such thing as easy money and nothing worth doing was ever easy. But, if you’re prepared to work smart and develop a laser-like focus on achieving your ideal lifestyle, then anything is possible.

Natalie Sisson’s book, The Suitcase Entrepreneur is full of inspiration, advice and information on how anyone can build an online business that fits into their lifestyle or desired lifestyle.  While written for the ‘digital nomad,’ it is useful for anyone who would like to build an online business that gives them more freedom in their life.

Natalie Sisson; who is resident in three countries, owns two passports and has three international bank accounts; has spent the last few years travelling the world while establishing her very successful business.  She shares her own experience of travelling to 61 countries on five continents as well as the case studies of others to show that it really is possible to “create freedom in business and adventure in life.”

The book is steeped in reality.  While demonstrating the amazing possibilities that online businesses have, from the outset she states that it takes perseverance, initiative and the meeting of challenge head on.  Further, she accepts that continual travel is neither possible nor desirable for everyone.

The book itself is divided into three acts.  The first is titled “Welcome to the new world of digital nomads.”  This act is challenging from the beginning.  She states that to make a real change that you need to get uncomfortable.  Our comfort zone is attractive but as Natalie points out “if you do what you’ve always done then you’ll get what you’ve always got.”

Then Natalie proceeds to wipe away any excuses.  The right time – there isn’t one.  If you put it off, you are just delaying the living of your ideal life.  Money – all you need is a laptop and less than $100.  Lessons you need to know in order to become an online entrepreneur like finding your “sweet spot” or the need for testing – they are all covered in this act.  The inspiration to begin the “rollercoaster ride” of an entrepreneur – again, found in this book.

Act two is titled, “How to build an online business you can take anywhere.”  While passion for your business and a desire to create freedom in business and adventure in life is great, it needs to be backed up with a plan of action.  This act provides the concrete steps and information that you need to know in order to create an online business.

After looking at why today is the best time to build your business, outlining eight trends that define the future of work, she reminds her audience of the importance of mobile.  Natalie then provides the reader with information needed to build a business – from determining what business to start to Natalie’s six steps of building an online business, to things to consider when setting up a business and tax requirements.  From only five essential tools to run a business, Natalie uses a virtual office set up to provide a wealth of information about useful tools that can be used to make your business more effective.

Reminding her readers of the need to be where our customers are, Natalie gives both the reasons we need to be on Social Media and also tips that we can use to optimise the use of Social Media for our business.

Then after providing some insight on how to build a virtual team it’s on to act three.  While act one and two are valuable for anyone who is running or thinking of running an online business, act three is specifically for the entrepreneur who plans to travel.  Act three is titled, “How on earth does one become a Suitcase Entrepreneur?”

Act three, as with the first two acts is full of useful tips and down to earth advice.  From staying fit and healthy, to advice on visas and how to pack this section is filled with useful information.

In between your blocks of time you’ve carved out you need to leave time to stop, stretch, dance and get some fresh air.  This actually makes you more productive and helps you focus back on what you’re doing.”

So, the freedom to do what you want and achieve your dreams?  Yes, Natalie convinces the reader that with focus, hard work and determination it really is possible.  I would highly recommend this book to anyone with an online business or thinking of starting one.




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About Christine


  1. Thanks for reviewing the book! I enjoyed reading it myself and I think my favorite quote was what you included above about taking time to relax as it truly does make me more productive.

  2. Enjoyed your review of the book. I have heard great things and this review made me want to really read it.

    • Alex, can I please really encourage you to read it. It really is worth reading, there is so much insightful information. As Dean says, this book really can help people move to the next level. It really is worth the time investment and Natalie writes in a style that is very easy to read.

  3. Such a great review, very inspirational, thank you! With reviews like this on Best Seller books that will launch someone to the next level, to really embrace so much more there is to life, I feel like the world is my oyster!

    • Dean, I agree that Natalie Sisson’s book is all about empowering people to take their business (and life) to the next level. Hope it encourages you, in your journey with the top 5% income where I appreciate how you inspire others to make real changes in their life too. Christine

  4. As always, a very comprehensive and insightful review of Natalie’s book. Thank you!!

  5. Christina!

    What an incredible review. I especially loved how you pointed out the quote “In between your blocks of time …”

    That is something we all must remember!

    • Thank you John,

      I responded to Celest below about Natalie’s productivity tips. The Japanese have a saying that “nobody works harder than a man who works for himself.” They also have a work Karōshi (過労死) which means ‘death by overwork.’ It is important to remember sometimes, that we work to live and not live to work. Something that Natalie does so well.

  6. The Suitcase Entrepreneur – what a wild idea, huh? But Natalie breaks it down to be something that can, and SHOULD be done!

    I love the book, and I really love the review!


    • A wild idea – true, BUT as Natalie outlines a possible idea. I have friends who have done it with children (including one in a wheelchair). I think the example that amazing things are possible helps others to raise their sights. Hope you have some great, wild ideas that will come to fruition too.

  7. I am nearly done with this book, and I must say you are spot on with your review. The lessons learned by Natalie will save people so much time and money. Plus, the book is just chock full of resources, helpful websites, and tips that it can almost be seen as more of a Reference book at the library than a step by step. Though, it succeeds at both.

    Well deserved credit for an excellent book.

    • Thanks Paul. Glad you are finding Natalie’s book useful. There are certainly several resources that I plan to use and techniques I want to implement in my own business. I think what you say about it being a reference book is wise, as instead of finishing it and putting it in the “refinished reading” category and moving on to something else, we would get more out of it if we keep it open as a reference tool.

  8. Great post! I’m learning more and more about Natalie each day mostly through various podcasts. Your review is wonderful in shaping the story and getting to the guts of the content. I wish I had 12 hours a day to catch up on some reading but this book is definitely being added to my list. Thanks!

    • Collin, I know what you mean about needing more time to read. I love reading but never seem to have the time. I highly recommend this book when you do have an opportunity.

  9. Christine, what a great review! It gave me an urge to read it, many thanks.

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